Saturday, May 12, 2012

On The "Heeling" Road

So says the doc!

All the issues that I'm still having in the heel-ankle-achilles area are all normal and to be expected.  Woo-hoo for expected pain.  The doctor said I am right where I should be for 3 weeks in the boot.  I have another 18 days to go and then I'm free!

Doctor's orders are to start stretching my achilles tendon 3-4 times per day.  The pain that I'm feeling in that area now is from the lack of stretching it.

Next week I will return to his office to be fitted for custom orthotics.  The orthotics should be ready to be inserted into my running shoes by the time I loose the boot.  As I understand it (I'll confirm with the nurse next week), I have to purchase minimalist running shoes to put the orthotics in.

    Custom orthotics + minimalist running shoes = A whole lot less money in the bank!

BUT, I'll be able to R*U*N again -- after a couple/few of weeks with some stretching exercises and possible physical therapy.

The doctor also gave me permission to swim!  I never thought I would be happy to hear those words.  But I am.  I'm excited to get my heart rate up and to have more time away from my boot.

We also talked about the fact that I've had two stress fractures in a year and what that could mean (osteoporosis...ssshhh...).  Doc is not worried about it at this point.  If I experience one more stress fracture in the near future, he'll recommend a bone density scan.  Praying this is the last of the running injuries for a long while.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had custom orthotics and how they hold up.  I'm sure you don't have to replace them every 300 miles like running shoes, but I'm guessing there is a point where you have to; right?  I'd also appreciate any feedback about minimalist shoes and what you like or don't like.

Thanks! And Happy Mother's Day to my fellow mothers!

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