I had a great week of getting back into the swing of things regarding exercising. I completed two walks in an allotted time thereby completing phase 2 of the walk-to-run program given to me by the physical therapist. I also spent some time on my bike in the trainer catching up on the seasons of Law & Order and 30 Rock that were on the DVR. It felt great to log some 'miles' on my two-wheeled baby.
I went back to PT on Friday. I'm making good progress according to her though I am feeling a little discouraged at times. One of the exercises that I do at PT is one-legged heel lifts on the "shuttle" machine. These were very painful last week so this week I only had to do 20 versus the 30 I did last week. It was still painful but more manageable. I thought that maybe this was just a tough exercise. So, I tried the same exercise with my right leg (the one that wasn't in the boot) and I had no problem at all; it didn't even feel like I was exercising. Lisa says this is totally normal considering my foot was locked in the one position in the boot for 6 weeks. Because of my great progress, Lisa said that I could move on to Phase 3 on the walk-to-run program: walk 1/4 mile, run 1/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile, run 1/4 mile. I tried that out yesterday and it felt great (& terrible) to run again. Feet and legs felt great. The huffing and puffing I was doing while running felt terrible. That's ok: this is the 'terrible' that I prefer :)
Because of the physical advancements that I have been making, I was able to make some major mental advancements regarding future running events. Yesterday was our Napa Ragnar Team's first training run. Although I couldn't take part in the first run, I was happy to be there with my mind focused on taking part in the event, not wondering *if* I could. The Napa Ragnar is September 14-15. Our 12-person team will run from San Francisco to Calistoga. Calistoga/Napa Valley is one of Steve and I's favorite places in the world. I'm so looking forward to experiencing that part of the country in this runcation. We'll spend a couple of days in wine country after the race as a reward.
This week I also got an email containing my Peachtree Road Race number. "The Peachtree" is basically a 6.2 mile block party in Atlanta that takes place on July 4th. Most people run it but you enter it for the experience. Last year was my first time and I had a blast. I was also coming off an injury last year but that didn't matter for this race. People of all walks of life enter this race. Live bands play along the route. Restaurants toss out t-shirts and coupons. "Runners" cart wagons full of beers behind them. Private citizens set up bloody mary bars. Folks dress up in costumes and dance for the runners. Runners dress in costumes and entertain the spectators. The Catholic church along the route sprays holy water on the passing runners. And then you get to "Heart Attack Hill"which is right in front of Piedmont Hospital and the Shepherd Center. The Shepherd Center is one of the top rehabilitation hospitals in the nation for the treatment, research, and rehabilitation of spinal cord injuries. The Shepherd Center patients line the "Hearth Attack Hill" portion of the route. Just when you think that you can't run and/or walk any more, you are being cheered on by these brave folks. It is such an inspiring moment and the best kick-in-the-pants to get up the hill and finish this race. I'll have to walk the majority of the Peachtree this year but I can't think of a better way to start out Independence Day.
I hope you all have a great week! What are you going to do to "get moving" this week?
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